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Work with Me One-on-One and Ignite Your True Potential with the Deep Dive Human Design Coaching & Reading Package!


Ready to decode your destiny and unleash your inner power?


Your Human Design is your cosmic blueprint for soul alignment and a life lived in harmony with the universe – no more slogging through life's quicksand! Discover your extraordinary abilities and superpowers, and identify those sneaky red flags that hold you back. It's time to step boldly into your authentic self and bask in abundance!


This isn't just another Human Design reading – it's a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Our sessions combine the wisdom of your Human Design with my expert mentorship and intuitive guidance to unveil your soul's purpose and craft a personalized roadmap to becoming the most aligned, resilient, and authentic version of yourself. Together, we'll conquer your loftiest goals, shatter boundaries with colossal breakthroughs, and dive deep into profound healing.


Here's what you'll receive:

  • 4, 90-minute live Zoom calls, held weekly, or biweekly (you decide the rhythm), are not just about learning – they're about living your Human Design.

  • A custom PDF of your personalized Human Design chart.

  • A stunning Human Design cheatsheet for quick, empowering reference.

  • A tailored Human Design integration support workbook, designed to deepen your alignment.

  • Voice memo support and guidance between sessions – I'm with you every step of the way.


Unearth your true self and embark on a journey to become your most aligned, resilient, and authentic self. It's time to unlock your inner potential and thrive in synchrony with your own unique cosmic design!



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